Gossip Kills the Church: Pastoral Accusations Accusations against the pastor that are not biblical, done in a biblical way or are unfounded wreaks havoc on the local body causing distrust and suspicion. The person that does these things according to scripture should be immediately dismissed from the fellowship and brought under discipline if they do…
Category: Podcasts
Murderous Mouths: Gossip and Self Righteous Comparisons | Are You Listening?
Gossip Kills the Church: Comparisons Self Righteous Comparison This type of Christian easily finds fault with others. They misunderstand that love covers a multitude of sin and they feel slighted if they find sin in the lives of others. By harping on such things, they become snared as stated above, and it becomes one of…
Muderous Mouths: Secret Attacks of Gossip | Are You Listening?
Gossip Kills the Church: Secret Attacks Secret Attacks These could look much like the above practices but with the intention of making problems or sin known to others. Secret attacks against another sibling in Christ is actually an attack on Jesus directly. It is birthed from a desire to make sure everyone “knows” about the…
Murderous Gossip: Murmuring | Are You Listening?
Gossip Kills the Church: Murmurs Quiet Murmurs These are the small and subtle thoughts that plague the mind and end up on the tongue, text, private meeting, phone call etc. Even when prayer is the central motivation, the details and names of people are off the table. Yes, prayer meetings are often the largest gossip…
Murderous Gossip: Killing the Church | Are You Listening?
Gossip Kills the Church: Muderous Gossip is very tragic. It happens sometimes without awareness but it is always rooted in a sinister heart and used in sinister ways to divide and destroy relationships in the body of Christ. Understanding the ways in which gossip invades our lives is the first step in recognizing it. The Scripture…
Duties of A Pastor FAITHFUL | Are You Listening?
The Duty of A Pastor to be FAITHFUL This podcast briefly discusses that the Pastor should be faithful to his calling by the grace of God and not be entangled in the things of this world but trust and point to the ONE who is faithful, Jesus Christ. Fulfilling faithfully his call to Christ. Without the grace…
Duties of A Pastor FOLLOW | Are You Listening?
The Duty of A Pastor to Follow before for the Flock This podcast briefly discusses that the Pastor should be an example before for the church in his own spiritual disciplines and growth. Following Christ before the flock. The duties of a pastor will cause him to display his faith and carry his church where…
Duties of A Pastor FIGHT | Are You Listening?
The Duty of A Pastor to Fight for the Flock This podcast briefly discusses that the Pastor should be involved in fighting for the church through the teaching of Scriptures and in his personal disciplines. Ephesians 6:12 (ESV) 12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the…
Duties of A Pastor: FEND | Are You Listening?
The Duty of A Pastor to Fend for the Flock This podcast briefly discusses that the Pastor should be involved in fending for the church through the teaching of Scriptures. Titus 1:9 (ESV) 9 He must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught, so that he may be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and…
Duties of A Pastor: FEED | Are You Listening?
The Duty of A Pastor to Feed the Flock This podcast briefly discusses that the Pastor should be involved in feeding the church through the teaching of Scriptures. Feeding the flock. This sounds very trivial, but the primary role of a pastor is to feed the people who God has put under his care. This…