“When Terrorism Comes Home.” What you are about to hear will make you mad, it will scare you, and it will make you cry. In the end, it will be about perspective. In November 2020, my entire life changed. I thought I was going crazy, but I just went through some crazy stuff. I thought…
Category: Life
Self…. ish. Seeing finally.
You need to love yourself. Stop listening otherwise.
tl;dr A Problem for our Personhood
In a world of verbosity and noise, it appears that the best part of too much is to take in less. “Too Long; Didn’t Read” This isn’t a good thing. It’s a symptom of overload. Don’t get me wrong. We have to be discriminating in our absorption of information or we will waste a large…
Reading Scripture Needs to Stop
Don’t get triggered. OK, this was clickbait. Sorry. If you know me you know that my mantra is “Read your Bible”. The problem is that many people are not reading it and when they do, they read it in a vacuum. Some people read the Bible each day, put it down and that’s that. Others…
So What and Who Cares?
I remember in the 80s how sitcoms portrayed “youth” as having no concern for anything. Well, as a GenX’r I can honestly say that we were very concerned – honestly, about too much of everything. That hasn’t changed. I’ve recently discovered a list of problems that I feel need addressing. These problems are universal, global,…
Think Thinking…
I am a thinker. So much that I can get lost in my thoughts. I read a lot of different things all the time. Reaping the harvest of knowing people gives me a great deal of understanding about the world and its inhabitants. Some say I read too much. Others say I read too broadly….
Deeply Known
I am always present, yet I am often hidden, I am elusive and hard to grasp, yet I am never forbidden, I can bring comfort and solace, yet I can also cause pain, I am something we all seek, yet we fear what we might gain. What am I? To be known deeply and truly…
Who Cares So Much?
I’ve always held to the idea that anything worth doing is worth doing well. Well, that is until recently. I’m not advocating for laziness or half-passing (…ahem) a duty or project, I’m speaking about the idea that plagues me most days. “James, if you can’t do this perfectly and please everyone who will ever witness…
Weee wooo weee wooo
I’m the kid of a cop. That kind of went to my head a few times in my youth. My friends and I have had a good time pretending to pull our friends over with dad’s dash master a few times. Shhhhh. I’m not sure about the statute of limitations on something like that. In…
Essence of Life
I have endured many seasons of abusive nonsense in the name of “love” and “Christian” ministry. Most of which were propagated by so-called “Godly” people who were, in their own minds, doing the will of God. This is not a new phenomenon and I am not its only “victim”, I have done my fair share…