[10] For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, now that we are reconciled, shall we be saved by his life. [11] More than that, we also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation. (Romans 5:10-11 ESV)
As long as humanity has been itself, the investment in togetherness has been a reality. For the first people, this unity embraced inclusion without shame, concern, rejection, or any type of insecurity. As Adam and Eve were naked, they knew not that they were thus their union in all things was purely the enjoyment, security, and fellowship of each one with the other. At the fall this nakedness was revealed. Insecurity and timidity arose immediately and they were ashamed, not only before each other but most importantly before God. They desired to hide their shame by covering themselves with their own provision to no effect bringing precarious want and emotion ringing into the garden and into the lives of all humanity after them.
Christ has taken away our shame by placing Himself at the center of guilt, though innocent, and thus endured the shame and thus the wrath of sin from the hand of God the Father. In doing this, while we still bare the marks of sin in our flesh, our fellowship with God is without shame, and our nakedness before God as justified children reveals a purity that would not exist without imputation from Christ. Thus our common union with God through Jesus Christ further protects our unity as the body of Jesus Christ and now as we are able to fellowship together in Christ, our living life together is not jarred or covered by a lack of transparency because we can be ‘naked’ and unashamed before God and before each other.
Before one takes the zip line to crazy town I want to make clear I am speaking metaphorically and most importantly, spiritually. Being naked before God and each other is expressed in the reality of our lives together in that we are not hiding behind facades of man-made philosophies or self-contracted ideals but rather we are exposed and visible with integrity as we really are. For some, this exposure is seen as the work of God through solid faith and holy passions while in others, the pocks, scars, and trials still abound. The sum of this is the reality that even though we are sinners who have past and present failings, we are forgiven in Christ, and even “if” we sin in this present day, we are forgiven for Christ is our propitiation so that there is nothing more that is due God’s justice.
Fellowship among the saints then needs to come into the light of nakedness without shame. We need to realize that the true Church are those who live together, assemble together and worship together in an effort to grow into maturity and go into the darkness as light. We need to remember that we are all redeemed in Christ and that our tragedies belong to each other as well as our victories in Christ. The church ‘are’ the people of Christ who are called out to live and walk in the light together and who are to carry the burdens of the weak, be patient with those who doubt and forgive as much as they are forgiven. Sadly though, many Christians live in fear of rejection and hide behind of charade of “idealism” that isn’t true. It is time for the people of Christ to be honest and open among their spiritual family and realize that just as God has forgiven them, just as they are facing doubt, just as they are going through trials; so the rest of the body follows.
We are indeed a people who should have no shame because Christ took it and nailed to His cross with His body!
Why do so many Christians live a lie? Here are just a few thoughts:
- They feel as though they are the only ones with problems/sins/doubt/depression/issues.
- They feel as though others in the church would treat them differently if they were honest about their needs.
- They are right to feel that way because some would.
- They are not taught the gospel when assembled and are more pressured into fitting into a social mold than into the likeness of Christ.
- The culture of the church family insists on issues being a result of “faithlessness” or “apostasy”.
- They forget that the enemy of God is the accuser of the brethren and accusation begins within.
- They fail to remember the glory of God’s grace in Christ Jesus as their only hope.
- They don’t see that one of the purposes of Christ’s church is to grow into maturity.
- They fail to realize that suffering, pain, sin, etc. can be and will be used by God to bring glory.
- They are too busy doing religious things instead of being enabled to minister to others, so they cannot perceive how anyone could minister to them.
- …….
When we fail to live truthfully, we fail to be God’s people in reality. Then we fail to worship, fail to learn, fail to really love, and fail to really live.
Press into Christ, be in love with His people, and live for His Glory!
Pastor James